Friday, July 15, 2011

Do you agree with me about illegal immigration?

Preface: Im Hispanic. Our country already has too many freaking people in it; adding still MORE people will just strain systems and dilute resources that much more. Clearly we cannot allow anyone in the world who wants to come here do so. Every sane person will agree to that. But for some reason if you replace the word anyone with Mexican millions of people including almost all latinos (go figure) suddenly lose their minds and decide this country can handle any influx imaginable. Actually, *hint hint* they're not doing any analysis, they're just spouting bullshiat based on emotion and/or old-fashioned Sesame Street caliber tribalism. We don't owe non-citizens anything. I'll repeat that. We don't owe non-citizens anything. Helping out non-citizens is one of those nice to do things. It's not something you do if it hurts real citizens. A massive increase in competition for resources versus a much smaller increase in those resources = hurting real citizens, lower standard of living.

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