Friday, July 15, 2011

Is there something wrong with me?

Every guy needs a girl and every girl needs a guy. It's unhealthy to stay single your whole life (not that there's anything wrong with it morally speaking). Animals need mates and so do people. If being by yourself hadn't been bothering you, you wouldn't be asking if anything is wrong with you. Girls are just more selective than guys. I'm 21, only had 2 girlfriends in high school, haven't had one for about 4 years (which would be since my second one in high school) and I'm still a virgin in case that's bothering you also, so don't feel alone. I'm not going to lie. Getting a girlfriend isn't easy especially for guys who have little to no social skills. What you could start off doing is making some friends who are male and talk to them, then maybe you will have enough confidence to talk to girls. That's what I'm doing. Just talk to the girls as if they're your male friends. You should score eventually with a girl but it won't be easy and it could be a long road. A lot of guys say that they had tons of girlfriends because they don't want to admit that they are "losers" like you and me who aren't getting anywhere. Just have courage, go out there, practice your social skills and don't give up no matter how many times or how long you crash and burn. That's all I can say. Good luck and I hope I helped.

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