Monday, July 18, 2011

How to meet girls in a new city without having work or school in common?

Ok, so let me preface this by saying that I'm a freshman at an ivy league school 1500 miles away from home. My family moved since I went off to school, so when I go home I'll be going to a new city where I don't have any friends who I could potentially go out with. It seems like most kids my age get relationships through school or work; but I wont have school in common with any of the girls in my new city and I'll be working as an intern for a crude oil trading firm which won't have any other student hires. If I want a gf over the summer am I stuck doing something like speed dating or eharmony?! All the relationships I've ever had I got by meeting a girl at school or work; how do college age kids get relationships without having these commonalities?

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