Saturday, July 16, 2011

Something is wrong with my boyfriend and i dont understand. help?

ok so we are together now for 2 months and ou relationship is very serious, we know each others parents, we go to family parties together and i go to his house every friday. so about three weeks ago he started texting me kinda cold, like he was doing things forced but then he had a conversation with me saying that its because of his math exam cause he is under a lot of pressure from his parents and everything, and he aid sorry. then last monday i didnt want to be with him i wa very nervous but my mom invited him to her b-day party and he was happy, we had a talk and he said he was seriously sorry and he was playing with my brother and my little cousin and it was the best thing ever, then he said that he wa very happy cause my family is very opened minded and they are proud of him he even asked me to stay at his house that night (no not to have sex or anything we are both virgin and im 17 and his 19) so this last week he started weird again...and i didn go to his house on friday and he didnt seem very bothered (maybe its all in my head) and on sunday he got invited to my aunts wedding and he sent a message saying that he needed to have a talk with me and i got nervous like REALLY and he said that he doesnt have the trust to go to the wedding an that he felt very sofucated cause he is afraid of hearting me and he doesnt want my family down cause im the best person that he has met, that no onw has ever loved him like i do and that things are not as perfect like the first few days (cause its normal) and that he would never betray my trust. so i got really nervous with this situation but then the next day my bestfriend was talking with him and asked him what was wrong with him and he said he can only focus on his band and that he was confused about lots of things and she asked if it had anything to do with me and he said "yes its about her, im not going to lie but its not what you are thinking of so dont worry". and today we were talking by text message and he said "my head is on the moon" and i asked why and he said because of lots of things and he said that he would talk with me face to face and not by phone and i asked what was the subject about he said "jess after. ouh i have arrived with my father " he changed the subject. ok this might be a pain in the *** but im really getting ill with this, im 17 and many guys have tried something with me and i never wanted to know cause they are all jackasses and my guy bestfriend said that the guy that i allow to get in my life had to be really special, so i met daniel...i didnt even care at the beggining, but WOW he is my male version we like the same things (music, colours, japan, band, guitar, friends,beeing retarded...) it goes on, i have never met anyone like him, and in the star he said he wanted to meet my parents cause he was so sure about me and it was very important that my parents trusted him and all that lot, my parents even met his because he asked. we are very opene with each other LIKE REALLY, we always say we have more than a relationship, we have a friendship and we trust each other like we trust no one else, and his best friend and my best friend we are a family we are always together we call outr selfs retarded family. he suffered a lot with his last and only gf, she was a ***** with him and she even beat him -.- and then she left her cause when he loves someone he REALLY gives everything , all his heart out. so tomorrow we are officially together for 2 months and he says he wants to talk with me but seriously. and im nervous i dont know what to do, he asked me never to leave him and that he was never sure of anything like he was with me...and i said the same thing. i dont know what to expect, what if wants to breakup with me?:s i dont know how to react and it feels so soon and i just dont know what really nervous i cant even eat. i have clothes of his he has t.shirts of mine. i dont know. will someone help me?

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