Friday, July 8, 2011

How quickly can my landlord evict me for a lease violation?

Ok, for starters let me preface this with I am NOT planning on doing this, but rather trying to prove a point to someone. My brother in law is pissed because he adopted a rowdy puppy (it was a snap decision with ZERO thought given to it) and now it is tearing up his place so he doesn't want to leave her alone at the house. He wants to come over for my mother in laws birthday dinner, but wants to bring the dog. We are renting, the lease is up and we are NOT allowed to have the dog here at all. Furthermore, we don't want it messing up OUR stuff. Anyway, as far as we know the landlord will not even allow dogs to be here outside. We have weird weather here too, so it could rain at any time even though its nice right this moment. So my question is IF we were to allow him to bring the dog (even if we left her outside) and my landlord found out, how much notice would she have to give us if she evicted us?

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