Thursday, July 14, 2011

Plugged milk duct? or something else?

Breastfeeding has been a horrible experience for me so far. Since the beginning my daughter has a bad latch. She has the right idea with the fish lips but she doesn't open her mouth big enough. Either that or my aereola is too big for her. Ive had sore, cracked nipples and as soon as I get a little used to it my nipples have become sensiitve to the cold air. Every time a breeze would hit my back my nipples hurt so bad and my mother in law suggested it was a plugged duct. Ive tried everything to get rid of it but nothing seems to work. I tried having my baby suck it out, used a pump, nursed on all fours and even my husband tried to suck it. But a slight breeze still gives me chills and hurts my nipples. I'm not sure if it is a plugged duct or something else in my breast causing soreness. I'm at the end of my rope. I dont want to stop breastfeeding but I can no longer stand the pain that comes along with it. Someone please help! Also if anyone can suggest in getting her a better latch. I've already seen a lactation consultant and it wasnt much help.

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