Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A post-pregnancy vanity question...?

You can accomplish anything with exercise and eating right. Trust me. I have friends that gained 100 pounds in their pregnancies and when they worked out and ate right they lost the majority of their loose skin. Now, it will probably never be completely gone...that is just the reality of it though. I am going through the same thing. I am 3 weeks pp and am not liking the way my body has ended up. I just found a website that is very inspirational and I actually think it has helped me a lot. It's theshapeofamother.com and women post pictures of before and after and inspirational stories. I actually got up the guts to post on it! The stories made me cry numerous times and I can relate to absolutely everything the women are saying. They are being honest and real and not just saying, "well I have a beautiful gift." Which is true and all...but the fact is our bodies are still torn up. It is sad to see how much my body has changed and to know it will never be the same. Eventually, we will accept it and hopefully learn to like it. If you exercise, your skin will tighten. You have to eat right as well. Omega 3 fatty acids will for sure tighten your skin. Just start up a good workout routine and stick to it! Don't get discouraged. You should check out that website. It has made me feel much better about the outcome of giving birth.

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