Saturday, July 9, 2011

Serious college troubles! Please help me!?

For this semester I have been taking this advanced English 1130 class along with a Math class while being on Academic probation. The English 1130 class can prepare anyone for University and I've been told by many at my campus that it is a very difficult course to pass. However, I have no intention of going to University and I have all the requirements of the Early Childhood education program that I want to apply for in September. I have been working to the best of my effort and studying hard but I have been getting "C-'s" and got one F on an assignment. I also took the midterm exam and don't know what mark I got for that yet. Today, I found out from my dad that he finally admitted to me that the only reason he wanted me in the English 1130 class is for me to get out of the house all day so that he and my mom won't have to deal with me. I got real angry and stressed about that. I have not told my parents about my academic probation and since the withdrawal date is coming up I'm seriously thinking of withdrawing from English 1130. The odds for me to pass this course seems very slim and if I don't withdraw I could very well risk failing the course and end up in Academic Suspension for a whole semester and I don't want that. Even if I do withdraw from the class, I can possibly avoid suspension but also have to tell my parents about the withdrawal. I told my Dad about the marks I've been getting in my assignments and he says to me to just keep going; try my best with the course and even if I don't pass I can still learn something from it. But that won't cut it with the campus administration and registrar's office if I failed the course because they will still suspend me. I've also talked with an academic advisor and a counsellor about this and they are no help. With my campus, it seems that the right hand does not know what the left is doing so I'm getting mixed messages from everyone. I know this is long but can someone (ANYONE) help me with this difficult situation that I'm in?

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