Monday, July 18, 2011

How to avoid fainting?

That is not normal procedure for a nurse. The idea is to get your head below the level of your heart.

Medical exams for METS?

I know before you swear into the Army, that you have to past the ASVAB and medical exam. I am just wondering if there will be another medical exam for when you go into METS?

Should I be worried about my husband's relationship with his female friend?

Dear lady..Firstly, you sound like a sensible and rational person,so the way I read it you do have an area of some concern. Firstly..your husband was totally wrong to place his friend first and go out wih her instead of you.It doesn`t matter if he has already "made plans"He shouldn`t be making any plans with her in the first place.Secondly..he lied to you about the phone number,and if he has lied to you once then he is more than capable of lying again It is not unusual in this kind of friendship that when one of the friends has a deep problem come up in their lives.they turn to the other..and that can {and frequently} does change the dynamics.It can result in them becoming much closer and even lovers..! You need to be aware of this and don`t let it get that far.It`s okay being respectful of each others friends..It`s another thing for boundaries to be overstepped and they are being over stepped.!You need to set new rules..and this will not be easy now as you have allowed rather too much to go on before. However,If this woman wants to see your husband as a friend she should only do so at your house with you present. You shouldn`t allow any more "dinners" together or any more calls at 3 a.m. Your husband knows his {and her} behaviour is not acceptable that is why he lied to you about the phone call. If there was nothing to hide he would have told you the truth.Stop them now..before it is too late.Sit down together and lay out the ground rules that any rational person would in a are his wife..A lot of people wouldn`t tolerate what you have for one moment...and they are not jealous or insecure..they are prudent and wise! I do wish you luck

What is the best Chemistry CLEP exam guide?

I just need to knock it out of my courses. I don't need the credits to boost GPA. I'm pretty astute when it comes to Chemistry and the sciences, but I would like a good book to just study for the CLEP. But it could also just be a website--any resources would be good. Thanks!

I have so much acne, and I've tried everything!?

And when I mean everything, I mean EVERYTHING. Proactiv, Skin ID, Clean & Clear, AcneFree, Neutrogena, Zapzyt, Sea Breeze, toothpaste, aspirin... you name it I've tried it. I'm working on Noxema now. Nothing I've tried has ever cleared anything up. I get acne on my face, shoulders, chest, and sometimes on my neck. I'm allergic to benzoyl peroxide, it makes me itch like crazy so that won't work. I'm nervous to ask my mom about a dermatologist because I think she'll say no, but I think I'm going to have to. I don't want to go into highschool looking like this. There has to be a way.

Will I be required to take the series 56 exam?

Ask your boss, but you want to take it. It will give you a basic understanding of many parts of the business that you would look stupid not knowing about. I've seen really dumb people pass these exams (they have parties afterwards and everything), so they are not an intellectual challenge. There is nothing on the exam that a person with a college degree shouldn't be able to understand quickly and easily, but you need to learn it for basic competency.

WE have so much in common & we like eachother but he smokes! :(?

we both clearly like eachother but at the moment remain friends who like eachother and have talked nearly every day on facebook (I always initiate the conversations online) as hes a macho guy who doesn't want to let me know his feelings just yet. We talk the same, we do the same things, we like the same music and stuff.. but he smokes I knew that as I started to get to know him better but lately I've been very pensive surrounding myself with my friends who smoke to see if I could get used to it and they asked me sometimes do u mind and i go no i dont but really i do and i just blow the smoke out of my mouth when it breezes past me and then think if i were to be close to the guy i like outside of class he would be smoking and i would be put off. I did hear him say he was trying to quit once that was when he started to know I like him like looking at him & stuff and he knows I don't like people who smoke as he heard me telling my friend that its slowly killing you and it stinks etc so why smoke? so he knows and the one time we were at a uni open day he bluntly told me my lungs are like this picture since i smoke all the time and then he stopped smiling and walked away as he knew he had to tell me and he knew i wouldnt like but hes being honest and i wouldnt want him to stop because of me but it would definately improve his health.. i like him for him and i wont be telling him i like him till i know him alot better its only been a month since weve properly started talking so I'll wait abit more but can't stop thinking about him but then the smoke just makes me sad as its such a shame because the more i like him the harder it'll be for both of us............. =/

Entry test practise for highschool?

I want to enter this selective high school. I am currently in year 8 and I am applying for a NSW selective high school for year 9. I need to do an entry test next term and I want to maximise my chances to get into this school. Can someone help me by giving advice on how I can prepare for the exam. Maybe you could give a site that has samples of questions that are similar or can tell me how to prepare etc.

What colors did the Schwinn Breeze's come in?

The ones from the 60s/70s. I dragged one out of the trash the other day and I want to restore it BUT I need to find what color it is. It's orange but not sunset orange or kool orange which seem to be the only oranges that existed. Any ideas on the color?

What is the meaning of life.?

Folks, I just don't know anymore. I find myself completely empty. Now let me preface this drawn-out, overused question telling you that I know this question is asked all too frequently but I just thought that Yahoo Answers was my last chance to find some sort of a valid answer to the question which has been plaguing this messed-up yet lovely universe for far too long. I find myself all alone. I have no family. No friends. No conifdantes. Not so much as an acquaintance. My dog even left me last week, running away to stay with my ex-wife out in Nevada. This is what my ex-wife e-mailed my anyway. I don't know why I ever married her. She and I met when we were working as clown-waiters in a restaurant in Michigan. We found each other very endearing, we were both 39 and had never had a relationship in our lives due to being far too deep and sensitivce for everyone else around us. So we hit it off and when we both turned 45 we married. Three months later all the love was gone due to the fact that she had run off with who I thought was my best friend, Chazzy. So now they went out to Nevada and started their own ministry out there, preaching to the mentally ill and stupid, convincing them that there is a God who cares. I find that to be total blarney. But what do I know? I have no one. I have nothing. I am illiterate and am unable to string together a coherent sentence. I am currently working as a streetwalker as no other jobs were available due to this hopeless economy. Actually the money isn't bad at all so I can't complain, but there has to be more than these empty nights of one-night stands and far too much alcohol and speed. I am completely empty, and if I had the courage I would end it all, but we all know I won't since I was raised a Lutheran and Lutherans love to stew in their own misery. Yes, I have went to pschiatrists, but they just tell me to kiss their ***, and they take my money. If one more person tells me "There are starving children in China, you don't have it so bad" I will have to move to China to become a starving child in China and prove to them that their statement was completely ignorant and unfounded. Anyway, I am at my last harbor as I also discovered that my favorite television program will be cancelled and that I have just run out of roast beef. I am a character out of Chekov: Mourning for my life. Now I must go out and walk the streets, have some empty sex but make some big bucks. Yes there is such meaning in this Sisyphean universe.

Riding GRTA Xpress with a MARTA Breeze Upass from GSU?

I noticed on the GRTA Xpress website that they accept Marta Breeze passes for one - way fare of $3. I am going to GSU in the fall and will be purchasing the 30 day unlimited Upass. Does anyone that has attended GSU or any other Atlanta school know whether or not the Upass covers the fare on GRTA Xpress buses? It seems as though they only except Breeze cards with stored cash value, but never mentions the Upass. I'm going to call customer service in the morning, but wanted to see if anyone knew. Thanks.

Did you know Facebook stores all numbers you have on your phone?

Um, if your friends put their mobile numbers on their Facebook page, then the number shows up right beside their name when you look at your friends list. It's not accessing the numbers on your phone, it's accessing the numbers they posted on their own pages, of their own free will. I dont put my number on my page, but many of my friends do. Some of these friends are contacts in my phone, some aren't. But everyone who posts their number will have it show up beside their name on a Facebook friends list. Facebook didnt access your phone. This is why you can't find any information about it.

Embarrassing moment at disney world?

You seem to have a history of naked body part occasions that happen to you. Check her Yahoo pulse, folks. Time to move on to another subject for your questions.

What are the physical requirements for roughnecks?

I am interested in starting out in the oil and gas industry as a roughneck or roustabout? I have read that you need to pass a drug test and physical test for these kind of jobs... Does anyone know what the physical exam typically consists of?

What's a preface?!?!?

In English, were writing an autobiographical incident about something important in my life . I have finished the whole thing, I just need a "preface". Can you give some links examples would also be helpful thanks.:)

Felony assault on an officer..?

let me preface this story with some details: at the time of the charge i was living in a townhouse with shared walls. one of these walls was shared with an absolutley rediculous couple whose only goal in life was to get me evicted, having called the police on me when i wasnt even home on 2 separate occasions. im 29 years old, have never been arrested nor been in a physical altercation. the nite in question: i was awaken at 5am to the sound of my front door nearly being beaten to the ground. i opened said door to find two officers in street clothes responding to a noise complaint (mind you was asleep, in my bed with my girlfriend, with nothing in the place on). after about 8 minutes of arguing that there was no noise being made, i began to become weary as to whether these people were even cops due to their completely unproffessional behavior, at one point telling me i was going to have an eviction notice on my door in the morning (which the morons should know isnt even legally possible. after flashing a badge, they told me to control my dog (an 80lb boxer) who was behind me barking, as i turned around to grab him the officers entered my hallway, at which point i became concerned for not only my safety but that of my lady. i began screaming for them to get out, bumping into one as i tried to get them out. they stepped out and i as tried to close the door busted back in, tackled me and threw in some good kicks for fun. i was then taken out of my home, shirtless(in true cops fashion) and charged with felony assault. my girlfriend, who was terrified, called 911 when i began yelling, was then detained by the uniformed officer who responded. Any thoughts?

Should I get an MSA degree or just take classes to become eligible for the CPA exam?

So I have an undergraduate degree in economics and would like to become a CPA. I want to know if it is worth it to pursue a Masters of Accountancy degree, or whether I should just take the necessary undergraduate accounting hours in order to be eligible sit for the CPA exam? I have been accepted in to several MSA/MAcc programs, all of which are out of state and would cost almost double what the in state undergraduate credits would cost. Would the MSA/MAcc programs be worth the extra money as far as preparing me for the exam and getting a job or are the undergraduate credits suitable?


what should i write after....."The past three years, my life in Middle School has gone from being a nervous 6th grader to an accomplished 8th grade writer. As a 6th grader, I didn’t realize how much more there was to learn about writing until the end of 6th grade. I thought you’d just take a pencil and write words. But writing is much more than that." .....What else should I write???

Fidelity Freedom Fund 2040 and Vanguard Target Retirement 2040 fund?

Ok, I'll preface this by saying that I know just enough about this stuff to get into trouble. Here's some information, then the question: I have about $20K in the Fidelity Freedom 2040 fund in a Roth IRA. As I get to know more about this "stuff" I'm seeing its expense ratio is 3 to 4 times higher than the Vanguard 2040 fund. Over the long haul (say, 30 years or so) will that difference make a significant impact on my retirement. I'm assuming it does. If so, would it be wise to start buying the Vanguard 2040 (my account is with fidelity now), transfer my IRA to Vanguard, or sell all my Freedom Fund 2040 and put it all into Vanguard 2040...or transfer to Vanguard and then sell all my Fidelity Freedom and then buy the Vanguard 2040...whew...Lemme know what you think. Thanks so much for the advice!

Should I keep my doors and windows opened or closed to remain cool in my house?

I'm in Florida and I have no AC. I refuse to pay $100+/mo for AC when I could invest that money. Anyway, I was told by some people you shouldn't try to cool the outdoors. Other people are telling me to leave my doors and windows open to get a breeze in the house. I use a small fan to stay cool. Who's right? Should I open or close my doors and windows?

"Requiem" by Anna Akhmatova - transliteration?

Anyone who can speak Russian will understand this transliterated version. The only thing I would change is to remove "j" from "jeto": "A eto vy mozhete opisat'?"

What do I do with my girlfriend that forces me to go to bed when she does?

Let me preface these comments with the fact that I am both a full time student and full time public relations account coordinator. My work often forces me to take projects home with me. So by the time I get everything done my only free time ends up being late at night. So my problem is that my girlfriend freaks out that I am still up when she wants to go to bed (Even if we have already had sex that day). I try to tell her just to go to sleep but she literally bitches at me and tells me I am ruining her health because I stay up late and in doing so, keep her up. This honestly seems crazy to me because I could go to sleep if she was up writing or watching TV. I just want to relax, read some news and write but am forced to fight with her about this bullshit until I give in and go to bed. We've been dating for a year and a half and she only recently moved in to my house. Most of the time, she is amazing but I cannot stand the way she freaks out on me about this. I keep asking myself, "is this going to get even worse if we ever get married." I seriously value this time. It's the time that i get caught up on everything. I don't know what to do. I've tried taking and she just calls me crazy and says no normal person would ever put up with this.

What does this poem remind you of?

I think that it isn't organized. The whole poem should be put at the same tense. From either the perspective as she's just awaken or something. It's got a creative concept, though.

I'm freaked out, && scared. What do I do?

So, I was in my bathroom doing my hair. && I took a shower today, so my shower curtain was scrunched together, but scrunched together enough it wouldn't have came undone. So, I took a shower at 9:30 && this happened at EXACTLY 11:30. But anyway, I was straightening my hair && I looked over at my shower curtain for no reason at all, I just felt like I had to. && Right at that moment, it was moving. I mean moving. Like, it didn't swing across or anything but it slide over. Then, in one little place it was going in && out like something was poking it. My house is haunted, but by a bunch of different ghosts, && none of them would do this. Like, most ghosts && or demons never touch anything. They just kinda, make noises trying to scare me. But this one.. I don't know reminded me kind of a little observant kid. But earlier today I was on my computer && I felt a breeze go by. I didn't get scared of it.. it was a warm breeze. But, I'm still super scared because I told my mom && she looked around && started praying at that moment. She has spiritual gifts. She can sense, && sometimes see stuff. I can see, hear, && sense. But, I didn't see anything? What's going on?

What do you think this dream means?

To see demons in your dream, represent ignorance, negativity, distress or your shadow self. It also forewarns of overindulgence and letting lust give way to your better judgment. As a result, your physical and mental health may suffer.

How high shoulds the lights go when driving?

I was wondering about the lights when driving when its a normal sunny or cloud day do I have to have to my lights turned on all the way when taking my driving exam for my licence or in general.

Please help! I need advice :(?

I was looking at my boyfriend's chat messages on Facebook when I found something that really upset me. First of all, let me preface this by saying I know it was wrong to snoop, and that I have problems with insecurity, although that is no excuse for what I did and it was an invasion of his privacy. But I was looking at some chat messages from about a week or 2 ago (he archives all his chats) with some girl that he used to go to the same high school with. It started off with typical "hey, how ya doing" but then she said "hey, you're pretty cute" and then something like "I'm gonna keep talking with my friend onn the phone, but we can video chat without sound and IM". My boyfriend did include one message that had a smiley face and a love heart, but he never said anything along the lines of "you're cute" back to her. The conversation never got dirty or anything, or anything like "i like you" or whatever, but they were talking a lot about going on skype and at a later date he asked if her could text her. I don't now what happened when they got on skype. But what I did see on the chat really upset me. I don't know if i'm overreacting, or if this is a serious issue. I feel like i do need to confront him, because I just dint think i can feel comfortable kissing him with this doubt in my mind adn I dont want to be played the fool. So, what should i do, and how should i also deal with the fact that i got this info by snooping wrongfully?

Does this sound appropriate? (interaction with a student teacher)?

It sounds more than appropriate. It might be inappropriate if you didn't give her the email and continue speaking considering your close relationship.

Would you rather live in a house that is cold and you have to wear a sweater and extra blanket at night?

OR -- live in a house that is so warm you are sweating and need fans (NOT air conditioners) blowing in every room to move the stifling air around and create the smallest breeze??

I need a tape-recorder or something please help?

Go to Future Shop in your area, it has a very small pocket size digital recorder able to record up to 8 hours. It has a built in mic and runs with two AA cells. You can hide it in your pocket to record conversation as you like. Cost about $80 or lower . Copy the voice recording into computer via a cable from phone jack into sound card line-in. Then erase the recording memory and it gives back another 8 hours recording time.

How to meet girls in a new city without having work or school in common?

Ok, so let me preface this by saying that I'm a freshman at an ivy league school 1500 miles away from home. My family moved since I went off to school, so when I go home I'll be going to a new city where I don't have any friends who I could potentially go out with. It seems like most kids my age get relationships through school or work; but I wont have school in common with any of the girls in my new city and I'll be working as an intern for a crude oil trading firm which won't have any other student hires. If I want a gf over the summer am I stuck doing something like speed dating or eharmony?! All the relationships I've ever had I got by meeting a girl at school or work; how do college age kids get relationships without having these commonalities?

A) What were some of Origen’s major contributions to the study of the Bible?

B) What was the purpose of Origen’s masterwork, “On First Principles” (illustrate this purpose with reference to the Preface to that work). C) What were some of Origen’s ideas about the divinity and humanity of Christ? (give specific illustrations from the texts made available in class)? How did the idea of the “pre-existence” of souls figure into Origen’s account of the person of Christ?

Constructive criticism? I like writing- Im just not sure im very good at it. Im 14, any comments will help.?

That's amazing! I seriously want to buy the book right now! I think that it's perfect. It was already suspensful, just in the preface! I can already tell this book will be great. Interesting topic, and brilliant first chapter, Great Job! Best of Luck!(:

I hate everything about myself, and I don't know why?

Sometimes I scare myself with how low my self-esteem is. I don't even know where it comes from. I just don't think I'm good at anything. Like, I'm currently interning at a magazine, and the editor told me today that she read over what I've written so far and she really liked it. My instant thought was, "She thought it was crap. She's just trying to be nice." I pretty much assume that everyone hates me and talks behind my back, which I don't think would be particularly unwarranted because I'm a really socially awkward person, and my personality sucks. Naturally, I hate the way I look...if I'm ever to show someone a photo of me online (I work online, so my colleagues are in the computer lol), I have to preface it with saying I know I look like crap in the picture. Like, the other day, I was showing a colleague a picture of an event I went to, and I had to say, "Ignore me. I know I look disgusting," and the thing is, I'm sure people think I'm fishing for compliments when I say things like that, but what I'm really doing is trying to beat them to the thought, that way, they won't be thinking, "Wow this ugly chick thinks she's cute." Then if people say I'm pretty, I don't believe it. I know it's kind of rude to assume people are lying to me, but I just don't see myself as attractive and don't think anyone else could either. I don't even believe guys really find me attractive if they blatantly come onto me sexually. This guy I had a huge crush on last semester made this remark to me about my breasts being really nice, and aside from being disgusted as his lack of tact, in my head, I was thinking, "Yeah whatever. You don't find me attractive in any way. You want to have sex with something with a vagina and will say whatever it takes to get to that point." I also don't think I'm really worthy of love...or anything. I don't think anyone cares about me, but I also don't think I really deserve to have anyone care about me because I'm just a piece of crap human. It's a really depressing place to be, but there doesn't seem to be much I can do about it.I don't want to just decide to start liking myself because then I'll just feel like the obnoxious chick who thinks she's entitled to more than she deserves.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why should the rich be taxed more?

It's known as "Progressive taxation." The Democrats who created it SAID it's purpose is to balk upward mobility and keep the lower classes from GETTING rich.

Constructive critism/praise for helping me improve my scene?

I didn't read all of it due to the clumpedness( please skip lines on paragraphs in the future), but It seems to be pretty good, from the bits I had picked up. It seems as if your use of adjectives is at a good middle. Make sure to mention in the story that the dude-man has terrible grammar. And BTW- "It weren't an accident. . ." - just too much darlin.' I know slang and improper use of grammar, but thats just too much. A person would know while speaking that that just doesnt sound right.

How do I choose? I like all three of them.?

Preface, I'm bisexual, leaning more towards girls, and I've been dating a guy, let's call him A, and then two girls, let's say S and I, have said they like me. A and I have been drifting apart and I haven't seen him for months. He and I have basically agreed that if we can't see each other in a few weeks, it'll be over. So, he's definitely not going to be able to see me for a long time. So, I also somewhat like the two other girls, I and S. I probably won't be able to date me because she's going through a lot right now and dating S would cause friendship issues, but I really do like her a lot. I also am open to the idea of just being single. I just want stranger's opinions! XD

I have a troubled past?

there's not much you can do about the past, rather you should improve your future. Maybe you should confront your past, but unless you actually think it really affects your mental health i don't see that much of a problem. I was molested when I was 7 and never really told anybody up until i was 14.. but the people i told were my friends, never adults or such... sorry if that doesn't help you much :/

What wind is better of power Generation?

sea/land breezes, mountain/valley breezes or chinook and santa winds. Why would one be better over the other

What should I take PE or Geography?

Depending on what career you're thinking of doing, I think probably Geography is better because it is probably more respected in than PE, although see how it goes.

Fill in the lyrics please?

The first starred line is "Two lives (fit?) perfectly..." The second starred line is "Lullabies of what will be..." Great song. Should have won!!

I am a 17 year old black female. That adores white guys.. Here's the problem..?

I am a 17 year old black female. I am a full figured girl. Very mature for my age. I come from a bad part of town. But, i have grown into my own person. I lovvee 90s alt. Also known as grunge. So, i consider myself so. I love music. Films. Art. Photography. Nature. Ganja. Vibrations. Feelin' the breeze, smokin the trees. Well, my problem is that I fit in nowhere. Well, that's not really a problem. I like the outcast position. I always seem to get it. The problem is, I am never approached by guys I am attracted to. White guys. Or any guy for that matter. People pay no attention to my interests. And when they do, it's usually to critisize me. What to do !?!?!?

Is this bloody show or just blood from a cervical exam?

I am 38 weeks pregnant, yesterday I had a doctor appointment and she did a cervical exam and said I was 1 cm dialated, she said I could have a little bleeding from the exam and I did. Today I am still bleeding but now it is a mucasy show with reddish brown streaks in it, is it the bloody show or just from the exam yesterday? Any help is appreciated:) thanks

Whats the point of a prolouge or a preface?

I dont remember where I read it but someone said they were usuless extra information. But whats thw real pooint

I'm a lad of 18 .. i love a girl n she is of my college only . she used to sit with me in my exams(though it?

went well) . i was quite hesitating to talk to her and even thought to ask her phone no but i was scared of its results . she also responded to me well . But after the exams were over I lost contact with her . then i came to hear from a friend that a boy was flirting her and she is almost in his traps . the boy is a duffer and ill mannered. and the the girl is nice n simple and has slightly less knowledge and i think as it was her first time she compensated with anyone(with that idiot) . What should i do now ??????

First visit to the dermatologist?

Just wondering what happens when you go there. I have a family history of skin cancer so that's why I'm going. Will it take long? What parts of my body will he check if I don't have any specific areas of concern? How much clothing comes off? I am a female with a male doctor and I am a little unsure about that, because all my doctors have been female. Please answer with as much detail as possible about the exam.

Problem at school?!? need help!?

Based on what I've read, I think that your meeting will be your final warning because you do well in exams. I hope this helps.

HELP! Is this just my imagination running away with me?

Ahh tough situation :( I've been there & currently am in that situation. You might want to take a test soon or go to your doctors to make sure whether you are or not. It'll ease your mind by a lot. I wish you the best!! God bless

An Important Lesson - Do you know everyone is so important to us?

excellent story with moral , yes everyone is important , everyone teaches something in our life that is useful for us . .

Sun-in product question?

so i have medium brown hair and i was wondering if "Sun-In Tropical Breeze" hair lightener actually works? and if it does, then will i need to reapply it after swimming in the pool or not? thanks so much!

Opinions on poem needed?

sounds good, good flow. Alliteration always assists, however, if you don't feel fully confident in the way it is now.

Unsolved mystery episode?

I was at my girlfriends house over the weekend and her step dad told me this really weird story about when he was in gulf breeze Florida. He told me about this sighting of a little alien man thingy with big ears that apparently was on unsolved mysteries. Any way the episode has a woman filming out her window these mysterious lights in the sky when all of a sudden you see this weird thing dart by her window. Does anyone know where i can find this video or if they even heard of this same video???

What do you guys think happend here( Advise me ) LOTS OF DETAIL?

I know what the problem is: your to clingy. Give her some space leave her alone. You always do what she wants to do, girls don't like that. You come off like you don't have a personality. So that's why she doesn't like you so just move on and whatever you do, DO NOT wish her a happy birthday!!

Feel a presence around me anyone had this before or dealt with it?

i was born in scotland and lived in an old house built over an older house where 4 people died in a fire, soon after moving there my mum noticed wierd things happening - dishes used to clang in the night and when she was the only one in the house she would lock the door and shortly after notice it was unlocked and left wide open with no one in sight. as i gre up in this house i was about 4 and never discussed what i saw with my mum and my mum never discussed things with me but.... i used to sit in our living room watching tv and i would often see the door entering the room open and shut then the other door at the back of the room open and shut, i mentioned it to my sister but she told me it was just a breeze in the room etc... we moved out of the house and now the new owners have witnessed similar things. however ive notice where ever ive moved to that seats creek and so does the floor as though someone was walking across it similarly to when i was young - whats going on?

How do I stop my ceiling fan from wobbling?

A fan came with my room in the apartment that I am subleasing and the light went out. During the process of trying to unscrew the dome cover to access the light, I think I over-rotated the entire motor or something when I was trying to figure out exactly how to get the thing undone. Its some cheap Harbor Breeze fan that couldn't have cost more then $30 dollars so maybe the quality was shot? Anyway, after I finally replaced the bulb and re-secured the dome, the fan rotates pretty violently on a high setting and even sways freely whenever I pull the cords to turn on the light and/or fan. What did I do and how can I fix it?!?!?!

Tea party, did you know there are israeli terrorists?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What does this Pisces want from me?

I would stay away from him. sorry i couldn't answer your question fully, though to be fair, who knows what a pisces man wants. they aren't exactly normal.

I'm sixteen but I can't keep an erection up! Help!?

Hey, I'm a 16 year old dude and I'm having a problem. I get the normal no reason boners during the day and if I want to **** I can get it up too, but when i go to have sex he goes limp noodle. I tried looking at porn to get it up but nothing happened. Now, I've had sex with one girl before but it took a couple tries to get it up. But after that every other time was a breeze. Now I've tried with 4 other girls and it's a no go on all of them. What's wrong with me?!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How hard is the CompTIA A+ certification exam?

I am preparing to take this exam sometime this summer (along with others) and I'm wondering how bad it is to take. I know it's in 2 parts so any information on either or would be appreciated. I'm thinking this is going to be one of if not the easiest one to take so I'd like to kind of gauge where I stand with these certs.


Your gonna think I'm crazy but... Take a hit. Buy a gram of weed from someone an smoke it. You'll be chill. And it will open up your mind.

Things to do in Vegas (for a Vegas veteran?)?

O.K., this is a long shot but I'm guessing that you haven't seen the Sunset Stampede at Sam's Town Hotel and Casino. It's a fantastic water and laser show inside the hotel with shows at 2, 6, 8 and 10pm daily. Do see it when it gets dark, maybe the 8 or 10pm show. You can get a free shuttle to Sam's Town from Harrah's on the strip and other strip locations. Check out Sam's Town website for shuttle times. Definitely one of the hidden gems of Vegas and well worth the trip.


ive only heard great debator elmatic and the preface but skyzoo was much deeper with better multis and internals imo. i like el but a lot of times his rhymes are really predictable and it sounds like hes sayin shyt just to rhyme while sky progresses his point

Question about "muscle chow" (book) eating schedule?

You have a fascinating diet activity but you have to ensure that what you eat in those meals are healthy,natural, and should not consist contributing factor of excess fat. That is the same thing i read from Lean Hybrid Muscle. Also, it has exercises that you can follow and you have to make sure you follow it so it will work.

I'm writing a preface for my book. Is it decent or better?

It's good, but most of the publishers and agents arent looking for biographies/journals right now. (i have been looking at alot of publishing houses lists and such lately. trying to get a book published.) If you arent going to be done for a while it would be better. But that is really good. :)

How do I convert my toric lens prescription to a spherical lens prescription?

Reading the answers given, nobody has answered anything for you. The mathematical formula for converting a toric Rx to a spherical Rx is this. . .take 1/2 of the cyl power and add it to the spherical power then drop the axis all together. So, if your Rx is -2.75 -0.75 x010 for the right eye, the shperical equivelant would be around -3.00 or -3.25 sph. Looking at your left eye Rx, it would be about the same.

How do I give him more space?

Ive been with my boyfriend for 8 years now. I go to medical out of country (3 hour time difference) and he lives in California. He has came and stayed with me for 1.5months so he could prepare for the Medical Exam himself. He left, about 2 weeks ago and after I have been really missing him. He completed his exam, so now he is hanging out with his friends and taking care of his sister, which leaves little to no time to to talk to me. I understand he is finally stress free but he seems to ignore me sometimes and make it seem like he doesn't miss me. I get upset at him basically every other night because of it. i guess I need to give him some space, but how can I do that when I feel unloved? I mean we are in a long distance relationship and I am in medical school, I feel like he should make sometime out of the day to call me and ask how i am doing!

I failed my Geometry Regents!? :(?

I really thought I could do it but I ended up bombing it with a 48 :( I have never failed anything before, much less a final exam! I passed the class with a 78, thank God. I don't think I have to retake the class, I wouldn't want to if I had the option. But I feel so stupid! I know I have never been good at math but I honestly thought I passed... I have to go to summer review classes for a few weeks and then retake the exam in August I think. But I'm so nervous and I just feel so miserable! Please, can anyone give me advice or helping words? Please :(

How long until I know my RCM grade 10 piano mark?

My friend finished her grade 9 piano exam on the same date as me, and she got her mark back today, but I haven't. Do you know long it will be? I did my exam on June 21st, and its the 29th today

How to make 3 hours pass everyday?

There are thousands of different solitaire games. You could download some of them for free on to a USB drive using the links at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a You could then plug the USB drive into your office computer and play away.


I have to take the pert math exam at 5, in 5 hours. I thought I was ready but yesterday I studied and I realize I have a long way to go but I can't wait any longer because its summer and I will forget all of my algebra 2 from last year. I am forgetting at a rapid rate and I need a site where I can review the whole course, no downloading or paying for things. Please! I really don't want to fail, because as a dual enrollment student This decides whether I can go to the college or not. And I really want to go, but math is definitely a weak point of mine. Please????

Does a story have to have a preface?

I'm writing a story and I'm not sure whether I should have a preface or not. Does a story particularly need a preface?

I am working on my first novel -- this is the preface -- would you read it?

Maybe you should think about what you are not going to write about and do that because there is a lot of information there, so much in fact, that a person gets bored.

Which Verizon cell phone should I get?

Hi. I am due for an upgrade soon to get a new phone from Verizon. I currently have the Env Touch and it is not the best phone. The phone shuts off randomly, restarts itself, and it can not retain its battery life throughout the day. Overall, the phone practically doesn't work but I like the design though. I love the physical QWERTY keyboard and texting is a breeze with it. The virtual keyboard is just as good but I've always liked the physical ones just a bit better. The battery life of a phone is most important to me though. My Env Touch battery is horrible and cannot retain itself throughout the day and sometimes it loses battery life once I turn it on in the morning. I prefer touch screen phones with/without physical keyboard. Also, I am interested in trying a smartphone for my next phone. Thank you for helping me! =)

A preface for a tour of china's interesting topics?

I am in need of an example of a preface for a report on china's interesting topics. I already have the topics i just need an example, thanks

How do I handle my friends' parenting style?

this is a difficult situation to figure out, for sure. I always struggle with it. The response I try to remember when talking with my daughter (mother with 1 child) is to ask her "Can you tell me why you do that?" or "Is that what happened to you?" or something that is directed toward her life experiences and not her behavior. Before I offer any advice, I try to remember to ask her if she is in a place to hear a new idea that I would like to share.

What do you think of my poem?

it made me smile(: Ignore what will said, all of your other answerers know that you were just writing for a cute little thing, we can tell it's nothing serious. Cut some slack, Will, it's summer!!!!

What is it called when you leave a window open in a room and there is no breeze coming in?

but as soon as you open the door all the breeze from outside starts coming in the room. I learned the word in science class but i forgot.

Something is wrong with my boyfriend and i dont understand. help?

ok so we are together now for 2 months and ou relationship is very serious, we know each others parents, we go to family parties together and i go to his house every friday. so about three weeks ago he started texting me kinda cold, like he was doing things forced but then he had a conversation with me saying that its because of his math exam cause he is under a lot of pressure from his parents and everything, and he aid sorry. then last monday i didnt want to be with him i wa very nervous but my mom invited him to her b-day party and he was happy, we had a talk and he said he was seriously sorry and he was playing with my brother and my little cousin and it was the best thing ever, then he said that he wa very happy cause my family is very opened minded and they are proud of him he even asked me to stay at his house that night (no not to have sex or anything we are both virgin and im 17 and his 19) so this last week he started weird again...and i didn go to his house on friday and he didnt seem very bothered (maybe its all in my head) and on sunday he got invited to my aunts wedding and he sent a message saying that he needed to have a talk with me and i got nervous like REALLY and he said that he doesnt have the trust to go to the wedding an that he felt very sofucated cause he is afraid of hearting me and he doesnt want my family down cause im the best person that he has met, that no onw has ever loved him like i do and that things are not as perfect like the first few days (cause its normal) and that he would never betray my trust. so i got really nervous with this situation but then the next day my bestfriend was talking with him and asked him what was wrong with him and he said he can only focus on his band and that he was confused about lots of things and she asked if it had anything to do with me and he said "yes its about her, im not going to lie but its not what you are thinking of so dont worry". and today we were talking by text message and he said "my head is on the moon" and i asked why and he said because of lots of things and he said that he would talk with me face to face and not by phone and i asked what was the subject about he said "jess after. ouh i have arrived with my father " he changed the subject. ok this might be a pain in the *** but im really getting ill with this, im 17 and many guys have tried something with me and i never wanted to know cause they are all jackasses and my guy bestfriend said that the guy that i allow to get in my life had to be really special, so i met daniel...i didnt even care at the beggining, but WOW he is my male version we like the same things (music, colours, japan, band, guitar, friends,beeing retarded...) it goes on, i have never met anyone like him, and in the star he said he wanted to meet my parents cause he was so sure about me and it was very important that my parents trusted him and all that lot, my parents even met his because he asked. we are very opene with each other LIKE REALLY, we always say we have more than a relationship, we have a friendship and we trust each other like we trust no one else, and his best friend and my best friend we are a family we are always together we call outr selfs retarded family. he suffered a lot with his last and only gf, she was a ***** with him and she even beat him -.- and then she left her cause when he loves someone he REALLY gives everything , all his heart out. so tomorrow we are officially together for 2 months and he says he wants to talk with me but seriously. and im nervous i dont know what to do, he asked me never to leave him and that he was never sure of anything like he was with me...and i said the same thing. i dont know what to expect, what if wants to breakup with me?:s i dont know how to react and it feels so soon and i just dont know what really nervous i cant even eat. i have clothes of his he has t.shirts of mine. i dont know. will someone help me?

Can anyone tell me where i can download snow breeze 2.2 for jailbreaking iphone 3g.?

Hi ive been trying to download snow breeze 2.2 to jailbreak my iphone but it seems like its the only version thats not available so if you could give me a link or point me in the direction of where i could find it that would be awesome. thx

Friday, July 15, 2011

Sudden slowed heartbeat, should I be worried?

Yeahhh, I'm not the sharpest crayon in the tool box, but I'll tell you to just goto a doctor, that dosen't seem very pleasant.

I am getting 48 % in math and i just did a exam worth 20% how much do i need on the exam to pass the course?

im getting 48 % in math and i need to know how much i should get on my exam that's worth 20% of my mark to pass.

Is there something wrong with me?

Every guy needs a girl and every girl needs a guy. It's unhealthy to stay single your whole life (not that there's anything wrong with it morally speaking). Animals need mates and so do people. If being by yourself hadn't been bothering you, you wouldn't be asking if anything is wrong with you. Girls are just more selective than guys. I'm 21, only had 2 girlfriends in high school, haven't had one for about 4 years (which would be since my second one in high school) and I'm still a virgin in case that's bothering you also, so don't feel alone. I'm not going to lie. Getting a girlfriend isn't easy especially for guys who have little to no social skills. What you could start off doing is making some friends who are male and talk to them, then maybe you will have enough confidence to talk to girls. That's what I'm doing. Just talk to the girls as if they're your male friends. You should score eventually with a girl but it won't be easy and it could be a long road. A lot of guys say that they had tons of girlfriends because they don't want to admit that they are "losers" like you and me who aren't getting anywhere. Just have courage, go out there, practice your social skills and don't give up no matter how many times or how long you crash and burn. That's all I can say. Good luck and I hope I helped.

TTC with disappointing results?

due to health issues in my early teenage years i've always had irregular periods. 3 years ago I went on birth control. In august of last year my husband and I decided that it would be ok for me to go off of the bc and whatever happened happened. Its been nearly a year now and we're still not pregnant. I had my yearly exam in january and was told that my hormones were off but nothing terrible. I'm taking vitamins, am at a healthy weight level, i've lowered my stress levels, and i'm getting enough sleep. I'm honestly doing everything right so I don't understand.

Leaving cert :/ inform me please?

OK, i dont know how i did but im pritty sure i failed my stupid irish exam, so if can i repae just my irish without doing the rest of them or what way would that work ?!

"Have you ever been in love?"- Read my short story! Feedback?

Seriously, you are a naturally born writer. I think you should definitley write a novel. First, base it on an idea:Maybe a life lesson, or a problem the world has. Add some deep, dark secrets, some love, drama, and sadness, and your book will be a hit. I loved it. Great job! And please take my advice, don't waste your talent. Try to make your book something that will change the way people look at life.

Do you agree with me about illegal immigration?

Preface: Im Hispanic. Our country already has too many freaking people in it; adding still MORE people will just strain systems and dilute resources that much more. Clearly we cannot allow anyone in the world who wants to come here do so. Every sane person will agree to that. But for some reason if you replace the word anyone with Mexican millions of people including almost all latinos (go figure) suddenly lose their minds and decide this country can handle any influx imaginable. Actually, *hint hint* they're not doing any analysis, they're just spouting bullshiat based on emotion and/or old-fashioned Sesame Street caliber tribalism. We don't owe non-citizens anything. I'll repeat that. We don't owe non-citizens anything. Helping out non-citizens is one of those nice to do things. It's not something you do if it hurts real citizens. A massive increase in competition for resources versus a much smaller increase in those resources = hurting real citizens, lower standard of living.

Would you rather be forced to preface...?

everything you say with the phrase tuck it in under threat of being slapped, or have a magnetic head?

Medical examinationme nikaal diya hai.?

maine ITBP me physical exam aur written exam pass kar liya tha, lekin mdical exam me nikal diya. Resason me likha hai, 'LEFT EARDRUM COMPLETLY ABSENT' ab mujhe bol rahe hai ke ek opration karwa ke aao to hum wapas medical exam karenge, aur uss samay pass ho gaye to training ke liye bula lenge. Meri samasya ye hai ke kya opration ke baad kisi bhi force me bharti lete hai kya? Meri nakami ke karan gharme matam chaya hua hai. Opration me bhi 20000 ka kharch aayega. Kya karu?

Dispute regarding garden wall with neighbour?

I have the most ugly looking wall running down one side of my garden built using breeze blocks and topped off with glass cube tiles (NICE!!) I recently cleared a load of ivy off my side which was growing all over it and in doing so some of these glass tiles fell off as they werent even fixed on breaking two of them. I have replaced them using two at the very bottom of the wall that is hidden by my neighbours tree and my tree. My neighbour has now had words saying i have taken more than 2 and what i have done looks a mess! Mess isnt the word for my side of the wall. I have bits of cement hanging out and gaps in the walls where it was never made tidy when their son built it before I moved into the property over 11 years ago. The wall is also very unsafe and leans on my side of the garden. My question is 1, Should they be made to make the wall tidy my side? and 2, Can I in anyway make them remove the wall as it is a health and safety risk?

English help please !!!?

Hansberry prefaces this play with a poem by Langston Hughes. What is the relationship between the play and the poem? Give examples from A Raisin in the Sun to support your answer. Your response should be at least one paragraph long

Historical Fiction book written by young teen?

your 12! wow for someone any age this is great! i would say just go into more detail when describing people and places

How to counteract glare from neighbors vinyl siding?

Our neighbors house is pretty close to our house, and we had no idea about the glare when we bought the house. When the sun hits the neighbors bright white vinyl siding, we have to close the shades because the sun bounces back in our window like you're looking at the sun! I'm not doing justice to it, it might sound nice, but it's a glaring bright, so bright you need to blink a few times after you shut the blinds (like having your picture taken, but with the flash never going off!) Does anyone have any good suggestions, I've though of tinting our windows, but that doesn't help when the windows open. I'd love to have it open and have regular light and a breeze in so much, but cannot figure out a way - any ingenious thoughts?? All the windows that get a good breeze face this house. I've thought of some way of putting a shade outside my window, but that wouldn't work because it's being reflected off this house, I'm at a loss! Thanks for ANY ideas and help!

I HATE RODENTS HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

A chipmunk ran into my house today, we had the doors open to let the breeze blow through and it scampered right in, sadly even though i am a dead eye shot i cannot use projectile shooting weapons. we have a small trap that will catch a rodent that small but i dont know what to bait the trap with. PLEASE HELP RIGHT AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

Formatting a thesis/dissertation?

Check with your college/advisor/department for specific information on that. This website (a href="" rel="nofollow" is Penn State's thesis guidelines, but I'm sure they vary from college to college.

How can I make myself better?

do you know that there's two "beings" in your head? your consciousness and your subconscious mind, which is more directly linked to the environment (and the supernatural). whenever you make plans that go against this subconscious current, they will fail, even if consciously you believe they make sense and are what you want. you need to go into yourself and discover what you truly want. when you discover that, there will no longer be any discord between your subconscious and conscious self, and you'll be able to fulfill your plans effortlessly.

Can i bring my razor on a plane?

I'm going to Oregon tomorrow for a month and I'm only taking a carry-on bag and i wanted to know if i could bring my Venus breeze razor its not a disposable and i checked the websites and it says you can take "safety razors" but i don't really know what that is. please help need to know by tomorrow!

Preface for a project on effect of ads on the sale of a product?

Is this a school project? Not sure what you you need wording? What is the product? Not enough info. given here

How do you deal with a mouthy 5 year old?

My niece was like that. If you said the sky was blue, she said it was brown, etc. Just keep correcting her and try not to get too aggravated.

Help! I'm getting worried about my English exam!?

I got a 69% on my English summative but failed on my English exam; which the mark was 9/20 . My teacher said that my summative mark "balanced" it. What does that exactly mean?

I need to send an MP3 clip to someone on Facebook, but it's impossible?

I should preface this by saying, my knowledge of all things technical is appalling. But I really need to send an Mp3 audio clip to someone and it seems like this is impossible. It is a professional obligation and this person is not on my friends list (if this makes a difference) But is there any way to convert the MP3 to a format that is able to be sent? My only access to them is through Facebook. Thank you so much for any advice.

How do I go for the kiss?

Ok, so for those of you that may have seen my previous question, this girl and i have been talking for about 2 months now and have gone out on 2 dates and hung out once in a group. Tonight we are going out on a 3rd "date". We're going out to get dinner near where she works (because she gets out of work at 8:30 yet for some reason she was still willing to start a date that late, which is different because she normally doesnt do that, but anyways) I am going to go for it no matter what. I have to because I've waited twice (well... ran away once :/) and I just can't do that to myself anymore. I'm very nervous because there is alot riding on this (including her prom which is next friday, my prom which is the tuesday after, an after-prom 3 night weekend on MDW, and not to mention my own emotions) so i REALLY don't wanna **** this up, because things would be super awkward if i did. But I have to do it, because I feel like if i dont go for it now I'll never get it done. There is still part of me that doubts myself and says that she doesn't like me like that, but then again I'm not sure why she would agree to go out alone with me 3 times already if she wasn't interested (and i don't think i've been freind-zoneded just yet, but thats what im tryin to avoid lol). Anyways my question, after this HUGE preface lol, is how to go for the kiss? How do I make her more comfortable throughout the date leading up to it? Remember we are only in high school and going to be in a restaurant probably. Do i go for the kiss at the end of the date or the beginning or or sometime in between? Sorry I sound like such a total newbie with all theze questions, but this is my first real relationship. The only other "action" i ever got was in 8th grade (which doesnt count lol) and some slut that i hooked up with a a party last year (doesnt count to me either cuz their was no feeling to it). So yea... PLZ ANSWER FAST I DONT HAVE MUCH TIME!

Shampoo and conditioner question?

Well I use Suave ocean breeze shampoo and Pantene Pro V Color Hair preserve shine (something like that). And my local drug store ran out of the Pantene I use but it has other Pantene products. Is there any thing that would work just as well by Pantene?

New beauty school graduate advice?

Hi, I've just graduated beauty school & am waiting to take my boards exam. I've heard that chain salons are really good to start at, i.e. Fantastic Sams, Great Clips, Supercuts. I'd like to hear from someone who can offer me more insight on this matter.

What are some good college courses that I can take now to enter college as a sophomore after I leave HS?

There is no magic number of AP exams you can take to start college as a sophomore. Every college has their own policy about AP credit. So while you might get a year of credit at one school, you might get 0 credits at another. Plus, starting as a sophomore doesn't really matter. Introductory level courses have students from all years. Plus, you may have to retake certain AP classes for your major, especially if you are a pre-professional (pre-med, pre-dental, pre-pharm, etc) major.

Anxiety and panicking help?

Yes, I have a very good idea. Go to and download the free manual. It will show you how to use Emotional Freedom Techniques. I promise you that this will solve your problem. Another good thing you can do is to take Rescue Remedies. (From The Bach Flower range) Good luck with your exam!

Certification training vs self study for Network+ and MCITP, which is better?

I am looking into taking a training course to receive my MCITP certification, however, after looking through the material I think it is feasible to self study and pass the exam's. That would save me $4800, I would like to know from your personal experience which you think would be a better choice, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

How to convince my parents to get me a kitten?

i want a kitten my parents won't let me get one i picked one at our local shelter yesterday her name is Breeze she is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute and sweet HELP :(

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How do I sell a '98 plymouth breeze for parts?

Have a good looking '98 Breeze, with a troubled engine. New brakes, great body and interior. Considered replacing engine, but decided to put the $ into a down payment for a newer car. Certain that someone could use the Breeze for parts or to repair. Any suggestions how I can sell it?


what should i write after....."The past three years, my life in Middle School has gone from being a nervous 6th grader to an accomplished 8th grade writer. As a 6th grader, I didn’t realize how much more there was to learn about writing until the end of 6th grade. I thought you’d just take a pencil and write words. But writing is much more than that." .....What else should I write???

What is your opinion about transferring from a Community College to a University.?

Im getting half and half responses that it is a good and bad idea. Some say that it would be a tough hill to climb to get admitted as a transfer and some say its a breeze and smart because of the chance to increase your GPA and also save money. Im coming to you now because you guys have no reason to lie to me... so please what is your stand on it..

I just seen what I think was an orb...?

waw three of your friends died! are you old or something ?? well dead people visit us sometimes. i can't tell if these are their spirits or not.

In a tight situation with my undergraduate degree?

You graduated with a 50%. Do you really think that one summer course is going to make a difference in getting into a Master's program? Just take your degree and get a job. After your first job, your GPA will not make a difference, just the fact that you have a degree.

Houston Rockets injury jinxed?

Maybe. But it's up to them to draft/ and /or trade for players that aren't injury prone, and they havent exactly done that

Does anyone know the story "I Heard the Owl Call my Name"?

guse google search engine - type the name in and u get a lists of reviews. sparknotes is the good one

Preface for japan earhquake project?

Well, i have also got the same project for school.and i advise you to search on wikipedia.I have got alll my information and staistics from that site.It tells u about the total casualities,epicenter,magnitude and al

Impressionist movement in France?

To understand the significance you have to examine and discuss the contemporary, non-Impressionist, work, and know that this is the first time painting (in oils rather than watercolour) was taken outside a studio and worked in situ, as opposed to taking studies and sketches back to the studio.

How to convince my parents to let me go camping with my beat guy friend?

Let me preface by saying I'm 17 and graduated high school and am going to college in the fall. I had wanted to do a big camping trip with a few friends but I was talking with my friend last nigh and he was saying we should just go the two of us because it'll be easier and we both are good with outdoors and stuff. I just dont know how to convince my parents to be alright with it. It's not like there's anything going on between me and this guy, I just know that my parents will thinks it's shady were going just te two of us. How can I convince them?

Gift ideas for a girl (girlfriend)?

a nice book or movie kinda indie or maybe a signed copy of some classic group that shes into. could always go with a last dinner with good ambience and sex after? kinda a sure thing

Is my CPU overheating?

82 degrees Celsius is almost at the temperature of boiling water. You have by now completely fried internal components in your laptop. Soddered micro chips have come undone and your computer is probably quite trashed on the inside. Your internal fans are not working probably, and you probably wont beable to trade it in.

Rate my yugioh deck.?

First of all, TO many cards, and no theam, try to pick one type of card, ex dragon, dark, blacking, stuff like that, and make your deck 40-50 cards, it makes it easier to draw the cards you want so you wont need jar of greed, or stuff like that. and try to make it leagel check out the ban list

Ideas for a title for my end of the year portfolio?

its my junior year end of the year english portfolio. we have to edit a few of our writing pieces and we have a preface about how we have changed as a reader, writer and speaker. we have to come up with creative title for the whole portfolio. any ideas?

What to do about my cockroach problem?

You are on the right track cover all the holes. They are coming from you neighbors and the only option left is to close all the holes . Or offer to clean your neighbors apartment for free to remove food sources

Wimbledon '11: Nadal injured, Roger struggling in 4 sets, is Novak the favorite?

ROGER Federer has warned Novak Djokovic and Andy Murray that it will take a huge effort to stop either him or Rafael Nadal winning yet another Wimbledon title

I chose a really difficult thing to study, help.?

only u can do is work not to run away from ur job. be confident and don't make ur esteem down.u can take idea from spider.

Thoughts on an excerpt that i wrote?

To me (a teen) it was AMAZING with the description but it wasn't that interesting to me. But again that's from a teen and I don't think we're your audience.

Are the people on Sea Shepherd terrorists or pirates?

As I understand it, the whalers are breaking international laws that forbid whaling. I side with the whales!

How to Unlock a Telus phone?

No need to get a new sim. Friends of mine have use this company before...a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

It feels like there is cold breeze in my eyes.. sometimes its jsut my left eye sometimes just my right eye? it?

it feels like there is cold breeze in my eyes.. sometimes its jsut my left eye sometimes just my right eye? its very cold and irratating

Need help figuring out my final grade?

It's a little hard to figure out, if you gave individual values for Homework and Exams, I could calculate the grade based on the percentages each is worth.

What is wrong with me?

So I'm a 17 year old female, and life is going great at the minute. My familys great, friends are great, I have a great relationship and I've just finished exams for the summer. Only thing is I constantly feel upset! I actually want to cry ALL the time, when I'm usually such a happy outgoing girl. It's got nothing to do with sleep, becase I get just the right amount of sleep everynight. I really wanted to ask because I had to walk my little brother to school this morning and when I came home to the empty house I just broke into tears, even typing this I feel like crying, this just isn't me. I'm actually quite loud so I guess I'm giving everyone a break lol. Can someone please explain why I'm having these feelings? It's driving me crazy :( Thanks x

What could all of this mean?

Okay. So I have this thing. I wouldnt call it a problem, but I wanna know what it means. Dont judge me. I have a weird thing with bellies. For one thing, when I go in the shower, I'll lay on my back and palpate my stomach like a doctor. I watch abdominal exams on youtube too. And when I go to the doctor, I get butterflies when the doctor feels my tummy. Why does it make me feel this way?? I just want to know. Is it a bad thing?? Is it normal? What the hell is it?

Can someone help me with short story for English class?

Try a new story maybe? You want it obviously to be short and reflective...You want the character and the reader to see a moral or maybe a teaching that comes out of the story.You have to have strong ideas and background on the alternate world.

Would you, as an adult, be embarrassed to ask another adult for the time?

yes. If I was staring at an analog clock and couldnt make out what time it was, I would be very embarrased to ask for help. I mean its not like its rocket science... I am not embarrased to simply go and ask what time is it if I have no watch or phone etc and we are somewhere where no clocks are visible.

Does this sound appropriate? (interaction with a student teacher)?

That's the sad part about having a great teacher who was also a friend.Eventually you have to move on.Reality does not allow time for that.Remember her for what she gave you and wish her luck in her future.If she offers to keep in touch then you can give her your email,Otherwise thank her for being there and end it just like that.She will remember you but life goes on.Good luck and let go of one and God will give you another.

My thoughts about Osama bin Laden. Opinions please.?

I am very happy that his spirit will go to God who will judge him , If he is a saint good and if he was evil he will be in the lake of fire.

Has anyone taken the HESI A2 exam without using the study guide?

I have to take this exam but cannot purchase the study guide. Luckily I don't have to take the science part. I have a book by kaplan that's for nursing school entrance exams. Do you think I will do ok?

Tingling then light numbness in right ear?

Hi, I recently went to a very loud restaurant and later had some strong tingling inside my right ear, the ear was in pain the following day so I kept it sealed with cotton. Later I did a hearing test and was about 8" from the speaker at 25% volume, a tone going for 2 second increments at 15khz gave me a ringing in my other ear but the right ear couldn't hear it. Later on I felt a heavy numbness in my right ear, though I could hear normally out of it, the numbness has subsided significantly, but is still there. I feel that going outside in a breeze, my other ear can feel a sensation of air inside but a portion of my right ear cannot, the one with the numbness. Will this heal in time?

Plugged milk duct? or something else?

Breastfeeding has been a horrible experience for me so far. Since the beginning my daughter has a bad latch. She has the right idea with the fish lips but she doesn't open her mouth big enough. Either that or my aereola is too big for her. Ive had sore, cracked nipples and as soon as I get a little used to it my nipples have become sensiitve to the cold air. Every time a breeze would hit my back my nipples hurt so bad and my mother in law suggested it was a plugged duct. Ive tried everything to get rid of it but nothing seems to work. I tried having my baby suck it out, used a pump, nursed on all fours and even my husband tried to suck it. But a slight breeze still gives me chills and hurts my nipples. I'm not sure if it is a plugged duct or something else in my breast causing soreness. I'm at the end of my rope. I dont want to stop breastfeeding but I can no longer stand the pain that comes along with it. Someone please help! Also if anyone can suggest in getting her a better latch. I've already seen a lactation consultant and it wasnt much help.

Opinions/Ratings on these albums?

I've never heard of any of these artists but if i did, i would base my ratings off of lyrical content and musicality.

Did I have a paranormal experience?

I would say that it is certainly possible and most likely that something was in that room with you. And as for the goose bumps I think that has a bit to do with the cold spot in the room of whatever was in there and also with being scared.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hansberry poem by Langston Hughes questions/help!?

Hansberry prefaces this play with a poem by Langston Hughes. What is the relationship between the play and the poem? And can you give me some examples, from A Raisin in the Sun to support your answer.

Is this a good first paragraph?

To me its good,really if this one is the introduction to some kind of novel then its okay,but if this is intended for a short story,then you may need to cut short the description...It all depends on the format of the work you are writing,but I find this paragraph well written...Hope it helps

Thoughts on a piece I wrote for my English class?

very good, but after one read its seems more descriptive of her environment than of her character and when you have to start talking abt her character with "julia was an intuitive girl...." it seems very blunt and in complete contrast to the description of her environment which flows like water. you are very good at description of the surroundings, use that to bring out the character. the character development seems very blocky, merge it with the rest of the text. when u describe the grass or the bushes bring out her thoughts abt how she believes there are secrets hidden behind them, in them/it and how when the wind blew she wanted to follow it to see where it went to see perchance where it began,< this is just a crude example to describe her curious character, her determination, start it off smoothly, ease into the character. ( i hope this helps somehow, i would want to read further)

What is a preface like twilight's?

A preface is a section or page of the front and back matter of a book that includes explanatory remarks about the book.

CPA Exam 150 hour requirement?

I took a Business Statistics course (3 credits) as an undergrad at UMass Dartmouth (in Massachusetts) and I got a C in it ... In order to pursue an MBA, my grad school required that I re-take the course. I am retaking it at URI (in Rhode Island) BUT it is a GRADUATE level course (also 3 credits). Even though these are both Business Statistic courses and are very similiar, can they still be counted for 6 credits instead of 3? I figured since one is an undergrad course and the other one is a graduate course, I would be ok .. ?

Would you want to read more from this?

I realize this is probably a fantasy novel, but you are going to totally overwhelm your reader with those names. Gachi, Eyzieo, and Chi are either too hard to pronounce or too lush. However, i like Layla and Kiren. Also, the snake sentence is "He seen a little girl getting ganged on by snakes". This is supposed to be a serious event if he's going to have to fight snakes, it should be much more descriptive, and in its own paragraph probably. Besides some of the grammatical and spelling errors, it's good. It just needs some tightening up, that's all. :)

Where do i get non-attending school in New Delhi?

I have recently finished my class 10 from I.C.S.E board with 90% and i want to join non attending school for +2,because i want to pepare for competitive exams. Where do i get such schools in C.B.S.E?

College Housing Question?

I guess I'll preface this by saying that I got accepted at CSU (Colorado State University) as an incoming Computer Information Systems major. I live in Fort Collins, CO which is in the same city as the campus. Basically, I live 10 minutes away from the heart of campus. What I'm debating is whether I continue to live at home freshman year to save money or live in the dorms. I can be sociable and have a lot of friends but I also really need privacy. I can't imagine studying for a massive mid-term or final and having some idiot room-mate distracting me. So this got me interested into looking at single dorms. They range anywhere from $4000-5000 per semester. This would equivocate to approx. $32,000 at the least for housing alone for 4 years of college. I know dorms are important for the college way of life aspect, but is it really worth that much? Especially considering i'll be relying on student loans to fund my college education? Thanks in advance for any input.

What should i study and how?

its my fisrt time in public school and i have to take an exam to get in to 9th grade? what should i study and how?? PLEASE HELP ME!!

Math homework help please?

. You are the manager of the Sea Breeze Motel and one night you rented 5 singles and 12 doubles for a total of $1515. The next night you rented 9 singles and 10 doubles for a total of $1625. What is the rental charge for each type of room? You must identify each equation and solve using either substitution or elimination.

10pts! Where to meet girls over the summer in a new city without school or work in common?

Ok, so let me preface this by saying that I go to an ivy league school 1500 miles away from home. There's a girl that I've sort of got a crush on here who I think is interested in me as well, but school's about to get out for summer break (right around 4 months long). Since a brand new relationship won't hold up long distance, I'm not going to even attempt to ask her out now (but dependent on how things go I might ask her out next year). My family moved since I went off to school, so when I go home I'll be going to a new city where I don't have any friends who I could potentially go out with. It seems like most kids my age get relationships through school or work; but I wont have school in common with any of the girls in my new city and I'll be working as an intern for a crude oil trading firm which won't have any other student hires. If I want a gf over the summer am I stuck doing something like speed dating or eharmony?!

Do I have to pay my insurance company?

When your policy expires, find a better insurance agency. They should be taking care of all this for you and on your side. As far as your credit, just stay in contact with the insurance and collection agency until its straightened out. The police report will show you (brother) did everything correctly.

What do you think of my poem? Please, I need some constructive criticism?

This is a wonderful poem, I love it! Though, in this line, "swirl up calmly and place my head" did you mean to say "curl up calmly and place my head"? That's the only thing I could find to "critique" because it's really very good. Sorry! :)

Can you guys tell me what happend over here?

I dont want to sound harsh when i say this, but it sounds like to me that she has caught on to your attraction to her, and it makes her feel uncomfortable. Maybe she wants to go for the other kid that likes her, i wouldnt know. But it sounds like she is handling the situation a bit sound as though you were a great guy to her. Maybe she could have been using you at the end for the class, im not sure about that either. But it sounds like to me you arent going to get anywhere with her relationship-wise. Wish her a happy birthday, and see what happens. It will be hard, and if you think you can do it, try to not text her until her birthday. Let her think you forgot all about her, let her miss you, then just pop out of nowhere with a happy birthday. If she has any positive feelings for you at all, this will be very sweet to her and let her know that you care about her and that you remembered her birthday. take it slow if she answers, if she doesnt, then i would say just move on.

"Have you ever been in love?"- Read my short story! Feedback?

Your writing flows beautifully, and I was actually moved by what I read. Your story caused emotion, and that's what you want to strive for as a writer, so good job. And all your visuals were excellent - I could clearly picture what was going on. Just one thing though: I assume that both your characters are young in beginning of the story, and Allie only had a crush on Nathan for six weeks. I don't understand why she felt the need to commit suicide, since she was so young when Nathan died, six weeks is not a long time to like someone, they never actually dated and fifteen years should have been enough to get over it.

Should I break up with him over secret strip club visit?

He lied. You don't trust him, you can't trust him and it's over. How severely do you need to be beaten to understand this? Don't come to me for it because I'm not into that sort of thing.

I got 34.25 in tancet MCA exam and I belong to BC.?

my unofficial rank is 752.can any one say whether I will get Velammal,ambatur,chennai or eswari,chennai?

Doing well my junior year?

Your grades are really not NYU grads. You should also know that Tisch only has music recording & production and that you should look into NYU Steinhardt for Music. Here is the list of what Tisch offers. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Please answer this question?

i have light/medium brown hair with blonde highlights and im always in the sun so i think sun in would give me more highlights. should i get the tropical breeze sun in (original) or the lemon fresh one? will it turn my hair orange? how much do i use? thanks so much!

I've smoked a couple of times! Help?

Well i've smoked a couple of times. I've done a couple of cigarettes, some cigars, and I mostly do hookah. I love hookah but I really want to get in shape. I feel that I cannot get in shape after all the smoke I have done in the past. I used to do wrestling last year and I didn't do wrestling this year ecause I thought I couldn't handle it after smoking a couple of times. I used to run 20 minutes as a breeze and now I die after 10. Maybe it's because I stopped running/exercising also? Help!

How can I make myself better?

Get over yourself. Strive to be better. You're not going to suceed until you allow yourself to do so.

As i was just falling asleep?

Let me start off by saying I am 24 and no abnormal health or mental health problems. But last night I went to sleep around 11 pm. Only to wake up at 3am for no real reason. But the strange part was as I was trying to fall asleep I started to feel waves of energy moving throuugh me, much like a breeze when ur laying on the beach. Then I hearrd a womans voice saying u know u want to do this, u want me to stay. Not knowing what that meant I woke up or snapped out of it. Im not sure if I was sleeping. But I was saying prayers while she was talking likee I knew it was bad.. any ideas? What that was. I could move after so I don't think sleep paralisis.

Strange Question: Need help with a troubling, probably made up thought?

Dont worry it might of happened. It happened to my husband too around the same age. He said he was just curious. I mean you are getting to know your body and it is not a big deal o well the dog licked your penis at least it didnt bite it off.:)

Which Certification Exam should i pass initially?

I am software Developer in .Net Technology, i have 6 month Experience, i don't hold any certification till now. so now which certification should i get initially, so i can improve my Skill and my Resume?

Need help with car insurance questions.?

I'm a cop in michigan... from my experience if you're a young driver you don't want to go cheap on insurance. get full coverage on an older car so if you're in an at fault accident you're not paying for the full amount of the damage. I don't no if you have AAA down there but they are legit

Please answer this question?

i have light/medium brown hair with blonde highlights and im always in the sun so i think sun in would give me more highlights. should i get the tropical breeze sun in (original) or the lemon fresh one? will it turn my hair orange? how much do i use? thanks so much!

Engine swap 98 Plymouth Breeze 2.0L Vs 98 Dodge Stratus 2.0L / 2.4?

If both have the same transmission then probably yes. If not, be weary. Just do some measuring on the bolt holes for the bell housing. That's a good place to start. You are correct in that your biggest challenge will be electronics.

Where to meet girls over the summer in a new city without a school or work connection?

Ok, so let me preface this by saying that I go to an ivy league school 1500 miles away from home. There's a girl that I've sort of got a crush on here who I think is interested in me as well, but school's about to get out for summer break (right around 4 months long). Since a brand new relationship won't hold up long distance, I'm not going to even attempt to ask her out now (but dependent on how things go I might ask her out next year). My family moved since I went off to school, so when I go home I'll be going to a new city where I don't have any friends who I could potentially go out with. It seems like most kids my age get relationships through school or work; but I wont have school in common with any of the girls in my new city and I'll be working as an intern for a crude oil trading firm which won't have any other student hires. If I want a gf over the summer am I stuck doing something like speed dating or eharmony?!

Please help me, I need advice! :(?

I was looking at my boyfriend's chat messages on Facebook when I found something that really upset me. First of all, let me preface this by saying I know it was wrong to snoop, and that I have problems with insecurity, although that is no excuse for what I did and it was an invasion of his privacy. But I was looking at some chat messages from about a week or 2 ago (he archives all his chats) with some girl that he used to go to the same high school with. It started off with typical "hey, how ya doing" but then she said "hey, you're pretty cute" and then something like "I'm gonna keep talking with my friend onn the phone, but we can video chat without sound and IM". She kept calling him cute, enough to worry me. My boyfriend did include one message that had a smiley face and a love heart, but he never said anything along the lines of "you're cute" back to her, although he did ask once "who's cute?" and im not sure if he honestly didnt know what she was talking about or just wanted to hear her say it. The conversation never got dirty or anything, or anything like "i like you" or whatever, but they were talking a lot about going on skype and at a later date he asked if her could text her. I don't now what happened when they got on skype. But what I did see on the chat really upset me. I don't know if i'm overreacting, or if this is a serious issue. I feel like i do need to confront him, because I just dint think i can feel comfortable kissing him with this doubt in my mind adn I dont want to be played the fool. So, what should i do, and how should i also deal with the fact that i got this info by snooping wrongfully?

What do you think of this preface?

You kept my attention the whole way through, I liked it. Don't worry about the similarities between your story and Alice's, I have read tons of books with similarities. Just don't completely copy it, and add some different circumstances perhaps. Good writing though.

Is this a good story line?

Always an outcast in her Water bender populated village, Tarturo Shaymin heads out to Saint Artemis High School to become an Elemental Guardian. Partnered up with Wind bender and old friend Breeze Valentine, snobby Water bender Julia Ferry, innocent Earth bender Lucinda Ellison, and under the lead of distant, sexy Ferio Kent, can Tart achieve greatness? Or will she return to her life as a "fifth element" Lightning bender? Or will Kent's rival cause the end of Tart before her future is unfolded? What will become of Tarturo in her junior year of high school?

I think I need Mental Help?

I'm 14 and when I was younger my mother got sick and was taken away for a while. Although that may not seem so bad compared to other peoples lives, I think it had a major effect on me. I'm overweight, I think I'm addicted to food, I don't have any motivation to do anything, I feel that something is bottled up and I don't know how to express it, and I'm constantly tired. I'm a very large build with very large shoulders. I'm 6' and 230 lbs. I can't control myself with food. When I go to a restaurant and I see something that looks good, I always go for the less appealing, more food. Also while on vacation, I just want to sit inside and watch TV or go on the computer, instead of enjoying the tropical breeze. I have felt for a while that something is bottled up inside of me, but I have no idea what it is. I'm always tired with 8-9 hours of sleep, and just want to go on the computer when Im that tired. I'm active in football and wrestling, but my confidence struggles. Please, I just need some suggestions on what I should do. I get straight A's and am taking College classes. I just don't know what to do. I don't feel that I can talk to my parents about it, because they just tell me that I eat to much. Thank you sosososososooooo much for your responses.

Feel weird after this dream...overdose.?

Perhaps you are picking up on a subconscious level that he is a self sabotrager or destructive to himself or that he is reckless, and this is the symbol of his OD'ing. Death as a dream symbol indicates change, transition and transformation.

What is the difference between a preface and a prologue?

I'm writing a book that takes places in the Bahamas. Before the story started, I added a page in which it shows the main character booking the trip. It is not taken anywhere from later on in the book, nor does it give a glimpse of the character's normal life. It does, however, foreshadow a bit. Which should I entitle it?

A post-pregnancy vanity question...?

You can accomplish anything with exercise and eating right. Trust me. I have friends that gained 100 pounds in their pregnancies and when they worked out and ate right they lost the majority of their loose skin. Now, it will probably never be completely gone...that is just the reality of it though. I am going through the same thing. I am 3 weeks pp and am not liking the way my body has ended up. I just found a website that is very inspirational and I actually think it has helped me a lot. It's and women post pictures of before and after and inspirational stories. I actually got up the guts to post on it! The stories made me cry numerous times and I can relate to absolutely everything the women are saying. They are being honest and real and not just saying, "well I have a beautiful gift." Which is true and all...but the fact is our bodies are still torn up. It is sad to see how much my body has changed and to know it will never be the same. Eventually, we will accept it and hopefully learn to like it. If you exercise, your skin will tighten. You have to eat right as well. Omega 3 fatty acids will for sure tighten your skin. Just start up a good workout routine and stick to it! Don't get discouraged. You should check out that website. It has made me feel much better about the outcome of giving birth.

Why does Fox preface all of their statements with?

Theirs is a fair and balanced network and they realize that not "all people say", but rather "some people say", a distinction seldom made by the main stream media, i.e., the left.

Quesiton about physical exam for working papers?

Okay i need to get a physical certificate from my doctor that i'm fit to work so for the the certificate are they going to make me get naked and touch my private parts??

What's the best GRE prep book?

I haven't taken a standardized exam in 5 years and I personally hate them, so need a good prep book to take the GRE. Also, do you recommend I take a class or just study on my own?

Does anyone know a good eye doctor that accepts soonercare in Oklahoma City?

I'm trying to find a doctor that can give me an eye exam, but I can't find one that takes sooner care? anyone know?

Anyone else sick of parents?

I know how you feel man, my parent are being moody with each other and i feel like its my fault, yeah i might be only 14 but growing up is hard no matter what age you are, have to tried asking them to lif the pressure of helping them off ou abit and reminding them who are the parents and child in the family? telll them you need support as much as they do x

What is a preface, i think I'm wrong?

i thought it was something that occurs further in the book, like a teaser an excerpt from the book i wrong?

How do I deal with my boyfriend's strange relationship with his Father?

My boyfriend and I have been together 2 years, July 4th is our anniversary actually. We are both 25 years old. My boyfriend is highly educated but is very dependent on his father sometimes financially but mostly emotionally. For example: he recently failed an insurance licensing exam, instead of coming to me and talking to me (we live together) he ran to the phone and called his dad and talked to him for over an hour about it. Any time anything bad happens in his life he instantly runs to his dad for advice. I honestly dont think he can make any serious decisions on his own without his fathers input. His father also encourages this behavior, he will call/text me some mornings (especially if he knows my bf has an important appointment or meeting in the morning) and ask me if my bf is up and getting ready, like it is really his duty to wake him up every morning. I feel like my bf and I should be in a partnership and we should be able to navigate through our lives together ON OUR OWN without wondering what his dad thinks or wants. Right now it feels like he and his father are in the partnership and Im like second fiddle. We recently moved out of state from his family and mine (because of his job) and I thought it would make things better and his dad would back off a little. It really hasnt changed anything though. Im really frustrated at this point. I want to marry this man but I cant live the rest of my life playing second fiddle to his father. I have told him all this before but it doesnt really change. I just really dont know what to do and I need someone elses perspective on this situation. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Bands or Singers who have done their own musical rendition of someone's original song ...?

Fearless records release a lot of albums like punk goes pop or punk goes crunk. Framing Haley covered lollipop by lil Wayne. So yea check out those albums compiled of punk/rock bands doing covers of other genres.

I had a weird dream - Please interpret?

The dream means u need to be alone alot so u can feel free u feel judge in a room where all thoses people are the same and u are seperated

What does this mean? It is a analyse of Orwells The Animal Farm.?

Orwell explained his motive for writing the book in a special preface he wrote for the Ukrainian edition. He intended to expose the transformation of the Soviet Union from Socialism “into a hierarchical state, in which the rulers have no more reason to give up their power than any other ruling class.” Ultimately,the democratic principles of Animalism as defined by old Major are redefined as the totalitarian principles of Napoleon, and the Seven Commandments are changed to accommodate Napoleon’s reign of terror, particularly the two words added at the end of one central commandment to make it read, “No animalshall kill another animal without cause.”

RHH: Fashawn Or Elzhi + BQ's?

Fashawn is lyrically better then Elzhi but I like Slum Village more then I like Fashawn and Elzhi's Illmatic tribute was a little better (mostly because of the remade beats)

Are people naturally smart or do they try harder?

It's summer and I'm in university calculus 3 right now and there's this really smart high school sophomore next to me who I've become friends. This girl doesn't seem to take the class too seriously and always seems to be happy. She's easily acing the class while I'm just struggling to pass--even if it's a subject I enjoy. Also, she works amazingly fast through hw problems just recently assigned while the professor is lecturing and always seems to correct his errors. When I do my hw, I get stuck often and have to take time to think over my mistakes, but she breezed through each problem during class.... When I study with her and her friends they never seem focused, but always chat and get off task. If I ask her a question, she seems to know the answer every time. And although she claims to not be sure, it is always correct when I look it up later. I'm really jealous of her aptitude right now... especially since I'm studying so much yet always score lower than her every time. It gets me wondering if people are just born smart.

RHH: What would you say if I said Elzhi > Nas?

Given that you said you tremendously underrate Nas, that he's a Top 2 rapper, and that his flow and concepts are GOAT, I might see that as contradictory... but at the end of the day I don't care. They're both dope.

Law Gods or Ethical Wizzards.....ur help needed.?

You sound like you need to talk to a therapist. Seriously. That's not a flip, negative answer, that's the sincere belief of a level 12 Ethical Wizard.

Quesiton about physical exam for working papers?

Okay i need to get a physical certificate from my doctor that i'm fit to work so for the the certificate are they going to make me get naked and touch my private parts??

Carrer advice needed ... finished my engineering .. keen to study ccna but i had lot of confusion .?

can ccna get me good job.. or i do oracle certification another problem is i have two backlogs in engg.. but i wrote well in the last exam.. i am waiting for result ,,, what to do.. either ccna or oracle..

Which is a better razor Venus Spa Breeze or Schick Intuition Plus ?

I am going to buy a new razor and wanted to know what is better Schick Intuition Plus or Venus Spa Breeze ?

A-level and GCSE question here please help?

Generally you have to get at least a C in Maths and English to get into A-Levels, as this is what collages and sixth form's often ask for, even if you do not plan to take the subject for A-Level. It may not be like this everywhere, I would contact the place you want to do your A-Levels to check this, as it is the only way to know for sure what they require.

How to stop relying on her for happiness?

I think you both need some time away from each other. There is more to life that just family even though you are very close. She is probably experiencing the joys of exploring new friendships. In time, every life takes a turn and the sooner you accept it mentally, the better it will be to adjust when it does happen. For the short term, I would suggest that you accept this normally and do not try to lay a guilt-trip on her and see what happens. When she needs/misses you, I believe she will come to you for advice. I think this is just symptomatic of growing up. Hope this helps!

Did the Resurrection of Christ actually happen?

This is a question for Christians, agnostics, atheists, and anyone else who would like to participate. Allow me to preface my questions by explaining that I fully understand that the Resurrection is the central doctrine in Christianity. However, was this an actual event with documented witnesses or is it a mere allegory to symbolize the spirituality of Christians? In other words, is it possible for a human to become resurrected?

Coupons...again May someone help me please?

Alright so another couponing question.... I am defiantly a beginner at this and still don't fully understand how people save $800 dollars on shopping trips. Okay so I'm going to try and explain this the best I can, so on a coupon when it says "one coupon valid for item(s)", "limit one coupon per purchase" or "coupon cannot be doubled" this means more then one coupon may not be used for one item? (ex: Sea Breeze, says "limit one coupon per purchase $ 1.00 off) so I can't use 5 or 6 coupons on the single bottle of Sea Breeze? And if all my coupons say it how do people save that much money? Also, a recent coupon expert I contacted said that on the bar code on a coupon, if it begins with a 5 it will automatically be doubled and if it begins with a 9 it will not. Is this true? and What does doubled mean? and Is the first number the actual beginning number of the bar code on the outside of it or does it begin within the bar code?

Removing claw for medical purposes?

Im usually against declawing, but if it is for medical purposes I guess you should. Im sure He'd be much happier. Also, after declawing keep him from jumping.

What happened to my mom?

So I have 3 exams 2morro for summer school. I studied for 45 mins when I got home today so I wouldn't have to later. When I was done I asked if I can go over my neighbors house and she started yelling at me bc I didn't study which I did. She was like "you only studied for 10 seconds!" WTF!?!?! i even told her after i was done with my lunch i was going to go in my room and study she said ok and was all happy. then when i said that she went all physco on me. im just really mad and confused! help me!!!!!!

Who wrote this poem:?

"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" (also commonly known as"Daffodils"[ 1] or "The Daffodils") is a poem by William or "The Daffodils") is a poem by William Wordsworth.

Monday, July 11, 2011

What to study?! High school entrance exam?

im going to public school for the 1st time for freshman year this year. but the school i have to go has some sort of entrance exam!!!!!!!!!! what should i study so i pass?!

Is this a good prologue?

All that I see is a bunch of words stockpiled together. Clean it up. Its good, it really is, but all those words jumbled together make my head spin.

I hate my dad so much he thinks i have an attitude when i dont?

my dad is living in the 80s he so strict like today i come home shopping and i bought a pair of heels and he went physcho he kept saying 'who do you think you are!' and stuff like i know 12 year olds with heels im 15 for crying out loud! he says i have an attitude and he says im greedy and stuff like and all i care about is money he says he's dissapointed in men and he thinks im the worst child in the world, he thinks i should help around the house and clean be super duper nice all the time! he puts so much pressure on me he doesnt understand i have school work to do and if i ask for money he says im greedy because i dont help him when i do! if i answer back once he says im rude or what not! he;s making my life a misery and im not even aloud to go out or anything after i work so hard on my exams and got a's and everything if im out later than 8 pm he goes crazy! he's crazy! i need to live my life! please help!

Does TS Chanakya College New Mumbai offer Btech Marine engineering course?

And I would like to know best Marine Engineering colleges considering admissions through IMU CET exam.

Is this a good preface for my novel? Would you read on? How can i improve?

I think that's very good. There's always room for improvement, but I can't find anything that bad that needs to be changed.

You open your window just before going to bed?

I'd freak out and lock myself in the computer room. I'd call from our wired phone for help and ask Yahoo! Answers what was going on.

How is this story so far?

I do believe it's original, and I love it! Just a suggestion though: You might want to explain the girl's thoughts more when the woman is coming after her to make the scene more intense. Very good though! :)

Pot a Miss Kim Dwarf Lilac and put on a balcony?

normally the roots of a plant are as big as the stem and branches... so i would get a very large pot... try to follow directions that came with the plant as close as possible so that way the plant doesn't die.. try also gooleing the species to get more info...

Preface for biology project on coordination in plants?

Two examples for "chemical coordination in Plants" > 194 and 195 > a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why aren't patio umbrellas built durable to wind?

If there's anymore than a mild breeze I can't put the thing up, the stupid thing looks like it'll fall apart. paid $100 bucks for it, I have a 40 lb base and a wrought iron patio set it's in. one time the wind pulled it straight out of the base & the table, and i didn't even notice a breeze!

Today's food consumption and! :D?

You'll be fine, trust me! By just eating a little extra calories one day won't hurt your weight at all. It'll only hurt if you keep eating unhealthy going over your calorie limit every day. You also exercised a lot so that's even better. When tomorrow comes eat healthy and forget about the chips you ate today. Count it as your treat for losing weight!

I really confused about my boyfriend?

i wanna say let him do whatever he wants to do... you know sometimes we need break in our relationships and may be he wants that you should give him sometime and i know it is very difficult to handle or go through such periods but stay away from him for a also happened in my life but there was no other stories like you told about facebook etc.... but he wants some space and now we are again together MA;) do not worry have faith wait for a while then if you think that he is betraying you then we will think some other solutions...ok doll..

Please Review on my Plot and give it Criticism?

I notice you're pretty desperate. You've posted this question several times. OK, honest opinion: It isn't really me. I don't find it very interesting and I wouldn't read it if it was in stores. However, it seems original. Keep writing it, because it seems like you enjoy writing and quite frankly it doesn't matter whether other people like it or not. As you get older, you'll get much better ideas, but for your age this is pretty advanced, so go for it! Don't let anyone stand in the way of you doing something you enjoy!!

Roof turbine fan wont spin?

Why wont 1of my 2 roof turbines spin. The other one spins with a light breeze. Ive adjuset it multiple times, it will spin but need a good gust. It also look level, and its new. Thanks for your help.

Completed 12th science stream without maths.But now i wanna go for engineering.Is that possible?

i completed my 12th science with english,computer,biology,physics,chemist… am in cbse.i now want to go for engineering.what are the ways i can go for engineering.?heard abt National Open Schooling.where i can register to only maths nd write maths that enough.please help me pleaseeeee...

What do you think of this? The plot, characters, etc.? Honest opinions please!?

I think this is a good opener, but the one thing I would point out is that Cassandra hasn't called the police! I understand this might be beneficial later in the story or something, but she's just leaving her sister to die!

What to expect at 36 week apt?

I go for my 36 week apt tomorrow. For some reason i'm very nervous about it lol. I guess just bc it's getting closer to my due date. My doctor told me at 14 weeks that I may have to have a c section because my cervix was back so far and the way my uterus was shaped. I am getting the strep B test tomorrow so I will be getting my first exam since 14 weeks. So she should be able to tell me tomorrow if she feels ill be able to deliver vaginally or not right? Is the strep test like getting a pap test done? If not does it hurt or anything? And could I safely have my baby any time now?

Need to find a better razor for a clean shave!! I am a female.?

Use nair a cream that u dont need a razor for. spread on hairy area dont rub, wait 5 minutes and wipe off. No hair. Smooth legs

What to expect at 36 week apt?

I go for my 36 week apt tomorrow. For some reason i'm very nervous about it lol. I guess just bc it's getting closer to my due date. My doctor told me at 14 weeks that I may have to have a c section because my cervix was back so far and the way my uterus was shaped. I am getting the strep B test tomorrow so I will be getting my first exam since 14 weeks. So she should be able to tell me tomorrow if she feels ill be able to deliver vaginally or not right? Is the strep test like getting a pap test done? If not does it hurt or anything? And could I safely have my baby any time now?

Sunset Reprise, will you C/C please?

Wow at this other poetry site you could use colors to match the words and center align this it would look as beautiful as it sounds.,.,..

Is 5"11' too tall for a ballet dancer?

that is quite tall for a ballet dancer but if you get on pointe you will need to find a taller male if you are doing any duets but if you are a group dancer or a soloist then you're height does not matter

How can I find out when NYS regent retake exams are?

Okay so nys french regents is really easy, I thought I did really well but somehow I got a 73 on it. I don't know how this could have happened since I thought it was really easy and I've been doing so well in french all year. I'm done with school for the summer and I don't know where I can find out on where you can retake regents exams. Obviously it would be a different one but I need to get a better grade then a 73.

Somebody PLEASE help! Not asking if I am pregnant, asking if it seems like I could be or will be?

"Pull out" is not a method of birth control; please don't call it that; doesn't work. There are no definite signs of early pregnancy. Take a test; it's quite possible.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

English Exam With the Title 'A Test' ?

I am going to be in an english exam soon and I know the title is 'A test' I want to revise B-A* grade answers are there any on the internet with this title?

Please help I need advice now! :(?

I was looking at my boyfriend's chat messages on Facebook when I found something that really upset me. First of all, let me preface this by saying I know it was wrong to snoop, and that I have problems with insecurity, although that is no excuse for what I did and it was an invasion of his privacy. But I was looking at some chat messages from about a week or 2 ago (he archives all his chats) with some girl that he used to go to the same high school with. It started off with typical "hey, how ya doing" but then she said "hey, you're pretty cute" and then something like "I'm gonna keep talking with my friend onn the phone, but we can video chat without sound and IM". She kept calling him cute, enough to worry me. My boyfriend did include one message that had a smiley face and a love heart, but he never said anything along the lines of "you're cute" back to her, although he did ask once "who's cute?" and im not sure if he honestly didnt know what she was talking about or just wanted to hear her say it. The conversation never got dirty or anything, or anything like "i like you" or whatever, but they were talking a lot about going on skype and at a later date he asked if her could text her. I don't now what happened when they got on skype. But what I did see on the chat really upset me. I don't know if i'm overreacting, or if this is a serious issue. I feel like i do need to confront him, because I just dint think i can feel comfortable kissing him with this doubt in my mind adn I dont want to be played the fool. So, what should i do, and how should i also deal with the fact that i got this info by snooping wrongfully?

What are the best revision books?

I personally didn't use books for maths and English, but I found that Letts and CGP were good for science.

Hottest IT Certifications(2012)?

what are some of the hottest certifications(emerging) in IT out there currently, that would be real big and sought for in 2012? I have my Master's degree in Computer Applications, C.C.N.A(2004) and my C.I.S.A(Passed exam, not certified yet)

Should I join the Marine Corp before or after I attend college?

Once youre 18 it doesn't matter. Do what YOU want to do. I didnt join the Marines because my parents, friends, girlfriend wanted or didnt want me to. I did it because I wanted to. If you wanna come in and try to be an officer youre gonna have to get college first. If you have some college you can probably come in a contract PFC and skip private. Or you can join right away and work your way up through the enlisted ranks. No way is a bad way. Just do what you want to do.